What we do:

Saints Advocate is a Student Leadership Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) in St. Andrew's Junior College (SAJC) that aims to promote awareness and advocate changes for worthy social causes in both the local and overseas communities, by interacting directly with members of the community on a personal and sustainable level, with a clear focus towards being an agent of change.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Mark of Servitude (Badge Presentation Ceremony)

On 9th January 2013, the 3rd Saints Advocate was official presented with badges of the school, as an affirmation of the CCA’s contributions, past and present, as community builders and servant leaders.

It was an exciting afternoon, as the 3rd Saints Advocate gathered in the lecture theater. With exhortations by the teachers and the Head-Of-Department of student leadership, and a review of our code of conduct, we were reminded of the office we bore as Advocates.

It is the office of the heart, where we serve our duties to the community, and display our leadership by our uncompromising voice for the needs of our community. This is our mission, and by the badge, we declare it to the school wherever we go. This is not a cause for pride, but a symbol of compassion. This is not the emblem of authority; it is the mark of servitude. And this mark we do gladly bear.

For the two years of Advocates before us, though no badge has been given to them, they have this mark imprinted on their hearts. On their steadfast foundation, on their broad shoulders we stand, to take this CCA to even greater heights: heights of love.

Legacy, learning, and leaping for joy (:

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