What we do:

Saints Advocate is a Student Leadership Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) in St. Andrew's Junior College (SAJC) that aims to promote awareness and advocate changes for worthy social causes in both the local and overseas communities, by interacting directly with members of the community on a personal and sustainable level, with a clear focus towards being an agent of change.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Project Acknowledgement 2011

Target Audience: We aimed to reach out to our peers and seniors to foster greater awareness of the necessity and importance of our non-teaching staff.

What we have done:
General Overview- To enable to reach the students more effectively, we centred our advocacy on the central theme of trees. The contributions of the non-teaching staff are very much similar in that they are often unnoticed, yet when we really think about it, indispensable.

Our metaphorical branches of advocacy took the form of a presentation to the student body, an appreciation tree and a video presentation during the school’s annual Teachers’ Day celebration. The appreciation tree allowed the participation of the entire student body, tasking each class to write messages of appreciation to specific members of the non-teaching staff and sharing their personal stories of gratitude. Both presentations were well-received and served as an encouraging reminder to the non-teaching staff of our appreciation as well as creating greater awareness amongst the students. Lastly, eye-catching reminder labels were plastered around the school, reminding the students to “Greet, Smile, Thank” (G.S.T.). 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Yellow Ribbon Project

Organization:Yellow Ribbon Project

The Yellow Ribbon Project (YRP) is an organisation that aims to seek to engage the community in accepting ex-offenders and their families by giving them a second chance at life and to include actions to support ex-offenders and their families.

How they help?
The Yellow Ribbon Fund (YRF) uses donations to develop and implement reintegration programmes for the ex-offenders with the genuine desire to change for the better. They also hope to support and strengthen the ties of their families through Family Support Programmes.

What we did?
The Saint Advocates have conducted an in-school fundraising sales selling namely:
Yellow Ribbon Tie Pins
Exclusive to SAJC due to the unique culture of having a tie as a part of the school uniform
A special way to show support for YRP as SAJC students.

Yellow Flowers

Tying in with the theme of “yellow”, these flowers are nice gifts to purchase for friends and teachers to show your appreciation.

Publicity Posters

Raised a total of $500 in profit for YRP.