From 6th to 18th March 2013, the 4th Advocates had an honor to be the first leadership CCA in our school to participate in the residential camp at Saints Andrew’s Hall. This 12-day-stay marked the beginning of our journey as Advocates and from there, we were equipped with valuable lessons. The camp ended off with an amazing Team Building Camp, brought to us by our 3rd Advocates Seniors.
We are very thankful for the opportunity as we could get to know each other better and build strong rapport among our CCA mates. Indeed, it was a wonderful practice for us to get used to juggling study and commitment in our CCA. At the end of the camp, we became more prepared and certain about the future. Although there will undeniably be challenges awaiting for us, we are more than ready to surpass all as we embark on this journey altogether, united as one.
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4th Saints Advocates arriving at the hostel, filled with joy and excitement :) |
Activity: Finding a need in the community
Today we went around the Potong Pasir area to interact with the people living in the community, in hope that we can better find out their need so as to improve their wellbeing and allow them to live more happily.
It was an eye opener for me, mostly because of the fact
that all along, I haven’t really been very observant. Whenever I walk past the
HDB flats while walking to the MRT, I never really stop to look at the
condition of the flats, much less question how I can improve the lives of those
living here. That being said, when I actually made a conscious effort to learn
more about the lives of those living here, I was struck by the fact that real
problems actually do exist and not just on television programmes.
The 3 most important take-aways I have from today’s
activities are:
- I must learn to be more observant and aware of the things and people around me instead of being so self-centered. Instead of gluing my eyes to my phone or engaging in meaningless conversations, I should try looking out for possible improvements that can be implemented in the community (not just Potong Pasir) so that I can improve the lives of my fellow Singaporeans.
- It is pointless to propose a solution, improvement or a new idea if one is not even aware of the real needs of the society; what I think may be the most important needs for that particular community could very well be wrong because I do not have any experience of living in that community, unlike those who have actually experienced it first hand.
- As Advocates, it is important that we acknowledge that there is always room for improvement. No matter how new or well refurbished an estate looks, there is always flaws, which can be improved. What is most important is that we put ourselves in the shoes of the residents and try to think of ideas to make their lives easier and happier.
Activity: Love Through Tissues
Today we embarked on a mini SL project, “Love thru tissues”, where we had to decide in groups how to spread love with simple items like tissues. Initially, my group was pretty stunned because we had a lack of creative ideas. However, we soon managed to come up with a decent idea – to show appreciation to the people around the hall, especially those that might have been forgotten. To do that, we each wrote short, encouraging messages on post-its and after that went around the hall to pass them to those whom we wanted to bring some joy to.
The first person I passed the tissue to was the security
guards, who ever so willingly stays up every day without fail, ensuring the
security and safety of those living in the hall, making sure that strangers are
not allowed in and allowing us to live such that we wouldn’t have to be worried
of strangers lurking around. It is indeed a hard chore, but they do it so
willingly every day. What touched me the most was that they never failed to
greet me each time I walked past, saying a simple greeting. Perhaps sometimes
we take it for granted and so I felt that it was a simple way of saying a
heartfelt thanks.
Then we went on to pass it to the General Office
administrative member, a teacher and those preparing food in the canteen. They
all had one thing in common- they were blessed and thankful for a little small
gift, such as a tissue. Although it probably does not mean much to many of us,
such little actions can indeed go a long way for these people who have served
so willingly and selflessly. Perhaps sometimes we forget about them but today,
I am reminded of how much they have done for us. It touched my heart knowing
that such a simple act can actually make them so happy, that it could brighten
up their night after a long day at work, that just a simple “thank you” could
light up their eyes and make their night, that a simple, heartfelt action, be
it big or small, can give them hope and a reason to preserve on when the going
gets tough. Hopefully, the aunties and uncles will know that every little
action that they do for us will never go unremembered or forgotten. I would
also like to make it a point to have a heart of gratitude, to not forget to be
thankful and appreciative of those around me and to always share and spread joy
to those in my life.
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Spreading words of encouragement to people around the hall :) |
Activity: Basic Vietnamese Crash Course
Today we had a Basic Vietnamese Crash Course, so that when we go to Vietnam in June, we would be able to communicate basic Vietnamese with the locals there. Initially I was a little apprehensive because I thought I wouldn’t be able to learn it well, since I thought it was hard to learn. However, I was pleasantly surprised because those who were teaching us were very friendly and patient. More importantly, I also learned about the Vietnamese culture which is so different yet so similar to the Chinese culture. For example, in Vietnam, the oldest person at the dining table starts eating first before the rest can eat, just like what the Chinese culture has taught me. However, the Vietnamese culture is different because when greeting elderly, we must fold our arms and bow, but folding our arms can be a bit rude to the Chinese. Overall, it was a meaningful and well-spent night of learning new words and even a very popular song, which apparently all the Vietnamese know.
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Advocates, guided by our Vietnamese friends, trying to pronounce a few Vietnamese phrases correctly |
Activity: Cultural Awareness Workshop
This morning we had a cultural awareness workshop. I learnt that all cultures are valid and that this is the lens through which we should view the world. It should not merely be tolerance, but acceptance of other cultures. This means that we should not tolerate the differences between different cultures to prevent conflict but rather genuinely accept and embrace the differences that make each culture so unique and different from the others. One question that has been stuck in my head is how Singapore is constantly promoting racial harmony. However, are Singaporeans merely practicing racial tolerance or are we walking towards racial acceptance?
Besides that, I have also learnt that every culture is
actually very similar, but we choose to pick out their differences so that we
can stereotype the different cultures. But what we fail to realize sometimes is
that we are all actually human. Remove the practices and different languages
that we speak, we all have the same bone structure. That being said, all
cultures deserve the basic respect and should not be deemed as inferior. To me,
no culture should be more superior to another and this is what needs to be
taught to everyone. Just like how every human being deserves respect, so does
every culture.
Activity: Photo Essay Session
This evening we had a very interesting photo essay session, where we learned how to take impactful photos. Although quite technical, I have learned some new skills, like subject placement and how we should place the subject of a photo at any one of the intersections because it would better balance the picture as compared to placing the center of interest in the center of the picture.
After that we were also given a task to gather in groups
and come up with a photo essay, which my group mates and I had fun doing. We
took pictures of people during morning worship, soccer practice and a bird’s
eye view of people in the canteen, while consciously trying to place our
subject in an intersection. It was fun coming up with a description as well
because indeed, pictures speak a thousand words.
I think this workshop would be very useful when we go to
Vietnam in June because we can take better pictures of the kids there, who have
so little yet find so much joy and contentment with all that they have. Having
seen the sample photo essay of the children in Cambodia, I am excited to go to
Vietnam and take pictures so that I can make one too and consolidate all the
memories forged there.
Activity: Project Management Workshop
Today we had a project management workshop, where I learned a lot of new things, like the stages of a project- forming, storming, norming and lastly performing. I also realized that it is okay and normal to have conflicting views and opinions during the (brain)storming stage, but what matters the most is that we respect our teammate’s opinions and not put it down. We should also be rationale and think through all the given suggestions before coming to consensus and deciding on the best.
We were also given the anagram of a great community
project player, and I have learnt that a good team player is one that knows how
to listen to what everyone has to say, is creative and not afraid to express
his idea’s and more importantly, someone that has a passion for the community.
Besides that it is also important to know each group member so that together as
a team, we can plan and execute a project better.
Tonight we had a very inspiring sharing from the 1st and 2nd Saints Advocates seniors about their journey during their time in the CCA and how they have grown from it. Through their sharing session, I am inspired because they have shared how much they have grown and learned from the CCA, not just from the 2 years but even after that, where they planned a student-initiated trip back to Vietnam to continue serving even after they have left Advocates.
They also shared the challenges that they faced and how
they overcame it, which is useful because it kind of prepares me for the
challenges that I might face. They shared that they had the support and
encouragement of the fellow Advocates as well as how they persevered right to
the end. I think I have a lot to learn from them. After hearing their sharing
about their two years in the CCA, I am excited to see what is in store for me!
At the same time, I know the importance of good time management as well as
co-operation with my fellow Advocates, in order to make my two years as an
Advocate a meaningful and memorable one.
-Nicolette Chen, 4th Saints Advocate
-Nicolette Chen, 4th Saints Advocate