In May
2015, 'Saints For Nepal' was organized by the 6th Saints Advocate in
collaboration with Mercy Relief, not only to raise funds for the pressing needs
of the survivors, but also raise awareness on their situation and the help that
they need.
students and teachers visited our booth to make donations, and also enquired
about the situation and how they could help in other ways. It was touching to
see many Saints who have the heart for the community and the willingness to
help even though it was a community overseas.
information board provided by the Geography Department further raised awareness
of the devastating effects of the earthquake. Photos taken by an Ex-teacher on
ground zero helped us to better understand the victims' situation and to
empathize with them.
For Nepal' raised a total of $2493.70. We would like to thank our CCA teachers
for their guidance, Geography Department for the Information Board, Mercy
Relief for allowing us to raise funds, and last but not least Saints for their
generous donations.
We hope
that the Saints family will continue to play an active role in making the
community a better place.
By: Chanasak M.
By: Chanasak M.